A few tips from some travel pro’s on dealing with pesky red eye flights! Nobody loves flying in the middle of the night – especially when you can’t seem to get any sleep on a crowded plane. We share a few tips on how to cope with a late night red eye flight. One of our favorite tips: Finds some NOICE CANCELLING HEADPHONES. There are some fantastic ones out in the market… but you don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars. Check out this set of bluetooth wireless noise cancelling headphones for less than $30: http://bit.ly/30dollarheadphones
Kennedy Space Center: Ranking the Top 9 Attractions
I rank the Top Attactions of the Kennedy Space Center with my son David – a 12 year old expert on all things space and rockets (this kid literally knows everything there is to know about the Apollo missions). We have a great time as we visit and see all of the exiting things at the Kennedy Space Center and we give you the insights, including ranking the Top 9 Attractions from best to worst, and we also give you two attractions that you may want to consider skipping if you don’t have the time. https://youtu.be/PhJeT1QFcYg
Sushi-Go-Round Kaiten Sushi 東京での回転寿司
Watch as I experience Kaiten Sushi (Shushi-Go-Round) in Tokyo. Always and fun an delicious culinary experience in Japan! Video link: https://youtu.be/TevacLjsp8Y
My Tiny Tokyo Hotel Room 私の小さな東京ホテルの部屋
Take a look at My Tiny Tokyo Hotel Room – this room, located in central Tokyo, was absolutely puny in every way, but it did have one high-end feature waiting for me in the bathroom. Click to find out more: https://youtu.be/0dKI6V_rxTY
7 Things I Love about the Philippines – and 1 Thing I Hate!
Visiting the Philippines is always a fun adventure. In this video, I walk you through 7 Things I Love about the Philippines – and 1 Thing I hate! You’ll see me walk through the greater Manila area and show you a few things I come acrossed – from the photobomb building to some basketball gear. Gotta love the Philippines! Video Link: https://youtu.be/1pLsJNaSBfs
Shangri-La Makati – Best Breakfast Buffet in the Philippines
I enjoy the wonderful breakfast buffet at the Shangri-La Makati – which I’m convinced in the best breakfast buffet in all the Philippines! In this video I take a quick tour of this marvelous breakfast buffet. Video link: https://youtu.be/PzmvKaV7Lnw
5 Tips When Visiting Angkor Wat
After visiting the beautiful Angkor Wat temple and many of the other surrounding temple complexes and historical sites in Siem Reap, Cambodia – I come up with 5 Tips When Visiting Angkor Wat. Video Link: https://youtu.be/WYCcYgtjSUM
SongKran Waterfight with Cambodian Kids
As a foreigner I wasn’t too familiar with the SongKrans festival in Thailand and Cambodia. But on a recent visit to Siem Reap, I find myself over my head in a SongKran Waterfight with Cambodian Kids who were out to soak me! Video Link: https://youtu.be/VWOOHmq-zC0
Luxury Accomodations in Siem Reap, Cambodia
In Siem Reap, Cambodia – the home of Angkor Wat, you get some pretty amazing accomodations for a reasonable price. Check out these luxurious accomodations in Siem Reap, Cambodia that I stayed in during a recent visit to one of the more intriguing locations on the planet! Video Link: https://youtu.be/dbKE9gN7eus
Eating Durian Fruit for the First Time
It’s the world’s most controversial fruit – banned in some places (such as the Singapore subway system). However, it’s also a delicacy of sorts, prized for it’s unique texture and rich flavor. In this video I try eating durian fruit for the first time – and give you a review of this unique food – found in SouthEast Asia.
Clear Day Flying Over Bangkok at 5x Speed
It was a relatively clear day over Bangkok I had a window seat. I started to take this video and didn’t realize we would literally do a half circle right over Bangkok. So here it is… Flying Over Bangkok at 5x Speed!
Lunch and Snacks and the Emporium in Bangkok, Thailand
A visit to the high-end Emporium shopping complex in Bangkok, Thailand for lunch and snacks with business associates. Video link: https://youtu.be/D5oYbPbVT4w